c# - Single Form Hide on Startup - Stack Overflow I have an application with one form in it, and on the Load method I ... I'm coming at this from C#, but should be very similar in vb.net. In your main ...
c# - Hide form instead of closing when close button clicked - Stack ... When a user clicks the X button on a form, how can I hide it instead of ... The solution is to create a handler for the FormClosing event of the form, ...
關於Form Hide() 與Show()的問題。- 藍色小舖BlueShop 有三個FORM分別為. A、B、C,裡頭分別有二個button 可切換它表。 A: B b=new B; b.show(); this.hide(); C c=new C; c.show(); this.hide();
Hiding and Showing Forms in C# - Techotopia 4 Jun 2009 ... When developing a Windows application using C# it is a fairly safe bet to assume that it will consist of multiple forms (otherwise known as ...
Form.Hide() not working C# Windows form - MSDN - Microsoft form so am pretty sure it's not my application code.(this problem happens when the process before Hide() takes a long duration say 12-15 secs).
Learn How to Hide the Wufoo Form Name on Your Website Page ... If you want your website page to display just your info, and not the Wufoo form name and description, we'll show you how to hide it.